

2017-01-15 16:48:33 来源:CCTV5在线直播

楼主/雄鹿球迷SidMoncrief:The worst prediction you made. Maybe it's predicting that OJ Mayo was going to be the next Jordan, maybe it's predicting that the Shaq+Penny Magic would become a dynasty unlike any we've ever seen. Whatever it is, I wanna hear about it.Personally, I thought that MJ would fizzle out after his foot injury. I thought that he'd never get to the level of his rookie season and probably go the David Thompson way and be out of basketball in ten years.That was not a very good prediction.说一说你曾经做过的最糟糕的预测吧

楼主/雄鹿球迷SidMoncrief:The worst prediction you made. Maybe it's predicting that OJ Mayo was going to be the next Jordan, maybe it's predicting that the Shaq+Penny Magic would become a dynasty unlike any we've ever seen. Whatever it is, I wanna hear about it.

Personally, I thought that MJ would fizzle out after his foot injury. I thought that he'd never get to the level of his rookie season and probably go the David Thompson way and be out of basketball in ten years.That was not a very good prediction.



快船球迷hailbo:"Why the fuck did the Cavs draft Kyrie Irving? He only played 9 games in college and Derrick Williams was balling out in the tournament.... Cavs are really gonna regret this."


公牛球迷nnotserPx:Lmao Derrick Williams is the most tragic bamboozle ever


骑士球迷imsmarterthanyouHAHA:Like Tyrus Thomas too


老鹰球迷Munger88:I thought Derrick Williams would be the next LeBron...


凯尔特人球迷CelticsPatsRedSox:Me too brother.


骑士球迷M_P_P:"who the fuck is this tristan thompson and why the fuck did we draft him? for fuck's sake what a waste of a pick"


猛龙球迷tkbchimyjr18:I thought T-Ross would be so good that we'd eventually have to trade DeMar.


猛龙球迷ThatCoxKid:I'm still waiting for him to be 20PPG scorer


无主队球迷waddup121:"Porzingis is going to be a bust" - 99% of every New York Knicks fan


爵士球迷Realshoebox:I thought Trey Burke was gonna be the next CP3........

Also was so hyped about Rudy Gay, thought he was gonna be a future top 3 in the NBA



湖人球迷evanstreamer:I thought the 2012-13 Lakers were gonna be champions. Dwight, Pau, Kobe, Nash.


雷霆球迷traksta15:I didn't think James Harden could be the cornerstone of a franchise. I thought he was a great player, but not that good and didn't play defense. It didn't take long for him to prove me wrong.


骑士球迷Saadiusrex:He looked like a franchise player the minute he stepped on the floor in Houston.


NBA球迷Sav10r:At the time of the 2003 draft, I thought Melo would end up being the best player in the draft. Melo was insane at Syracuse scoring at will and ridiculously clutch leading the Orange to the Championship.

And Lebron was this 18 year old "kid" that I didn't even know about. I thought, sure he's dominating other high school kids, but Melo's at least playing against the best in the NCAA so I could get at least make a decent judgement call on his career trajectory. Couldn't do that with the King. And to be honest, part of my reasoning was because there was so much hype around this unproven 18 year old, that I didn't think it was possible for him to live up to it.

It didn't take me very long at all to realize I was wrong. VERY wrong.




公牛球迷JimiTurtles:i once said that damian lillard would be an assistant coach in the D-League by 25


凯尔特人球迷Durantula5:I was pretty hyped when Jeff Green took over as our starting SF after Pierce left


勇士球迷_myuniqueusername_:Not that bad, but I thought PG13 could get MVP this season


猛龙球迷SamiMadeMeDoIt:Thought the Dubs were overrated after they won the finals and they would regress a lot

Nope. They preceded to have the best regular season in NBA history and almost repeat as champs



勇士球迷Chooch3333:I thought Kawhi Leonard was an overrated, overglorified role player. Man was I wrong.



